Posted April 12, 2017 in All
The third plant in our threatened flora series is the Soap Aloe, another population which continues to decline, identifying and encouraging the growth of this species on the reserve is incredibly important.
Soap Aloe (Aloe dominella)
Known by some as the Soap Aloe (although there are many different Aloe species with this same name), this plant comes from the Western and Northern KZN province of South Africa, as well as southern Swaziland. It has yellow, tubular flowers and grass-like leaves at the base of the stem. This plant is very sensitive to overgrazing, and due to the increasing size of livestock herds in some of the plant’s range over the last 10 years, this plant has seen a substantial decline in its population and has been declared Near Threatened according to SANBI (South African National Biodiversity Institute).