Field Ranger Equipment - UmPhafa

What is a Field Ranger?

On UmPhafa their prime responsibility is to ensure the protection of its biodiversity – supporting species, habitats, ecosystems and Communities which is why we need your help towards providing Field Ranger equipment.

They work tirelessly for nature protecting our boundaries and the animals within – doing daily patrols on foot as well as monitoring those under their care. Field Rangers are passionate individuals that care for the Nature of this World protecting it for future generations to come

Your donation towards Field Ranger equipment will ensure that UmPhafa can continue the conservation battle and our Field Rangers can fulfil their wish to be ‘Conservation Heroes’.

If you are interested in making a donation, please contact for details on how you can help

Cut-resistant Gloves are a vital piece of kit - field ranger equipment.

Cut-resistant Gloves – Approximate Cost £10
You may be wondering why gloves are a vital piece of kit – to fix fences you need to protect your hands from cuts from barbed wire or razor wire. Protecting your hands whilst trying to bind the fence back together is manually a hard job – you need to keep your hands fresh and blister free.

Head torches whilst walking the fence line late at night.

Re-chargeable Head Torch – Approximate cost £25 – £30
When you are walking along the fence line at night and you come across a hole made by an animal or poacher – you need to fix it and to do this you need to have your hands free. A bright head torch helps gets the job done quickly and efficiently so you can continue your patrol.

Game Pro torch help to spot intruders.

Game Pro TorchesApproximate cost £30 – £50
At night, the Field Rangers need to spot poachers near the fence line and the wide angle of these torches picks up the shining eyes of the poachers in the distance.

Also used to follow intruders that are in the Reserve – these lights are also a precautionary measure sometimes stopping incursions happen as the poachers know there is a Field Ranger approaching. Used by safari guides to do night drives these are the best you can get.

Brown large bag designed to carry lots of items - field ranger equipment.

Military style Rucksack – Approximate Cost £40 – £60
Every Field Ranger carries a Rucksack for all the critical equipment they need. Fence testers, poncho, water, machete, extra wire, fence bobbins, security notebook etc the list is endless and a good strong Rucksack with comfortable straps helps them to do their role effectively

Multi-tool to help field rangers fix fences and much more - field ranger equipment.

Multi-tool Leatherman – Approximate Cost £70 – £90 (Carry pouch £15)
Every Field Ranger needs a tool for any job that may include fixing fences, cutting and tying wire, fixing fence isolators or just using the can opener to open a tin of food when on a night patrol!

Camera trap tied to a tree to capture footage of animals - field ranger equipment.

Camera Traps – A Silent Field Ranger – Approximate Cost £680-£700
We have recently partnered with Wildlife Protection Services who have designed a system that we can link our camera traps to. The camera trap sends pictures to our phone and laptop of anything that looks ‘human’ or like a ‘hunting dog’.

We are hoping to set cameras up along our fence line in high incursion areas – which means when a poacher comes into the Reserve and walks past the camera within a minute a picture will be sent to our phones and we can then take action to prevent anything happening. These cameras also have solar panels that ensures the camera will ‘always’ work. These cameras currently cost R15000 (£680-£700)

You can also help towards the running of UmPhafa by visiting Colchester Zoological Society – a day out for the whole family.

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