News - UmPhafa
UmPhafa’s new Bush Camp is complete!
UmPhafa’s new Bush Camp is complete!

UmPhafa’s new Bush Camp is complete!

After 4 months of anticipation, UmPhafa Reserve now has...

Aby and Neil – Our 1st Year in review
Aby and Neil – Our 1st Year in review

Aby and Neil – Our 1st Year in review

What an incredible place UmPhafa is! It is an...

Education at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve
Education at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve

Education at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve

Education is one of our main aims on UmPhafa....

Creating water sources at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve!
Creating water sources at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve!

Creating water sources at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve!

Access to water is one of the main limiting...

Hornbills spotted at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve!
Hornbills spotted at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve!

Hornbills spotted at Colchester Zoo’s UmPhafa Reserve!

On the 18th October, staff on UmPhafa got a...

UmPhafa Dam gets an upgrade!
UmPhafa Dam gets an upgrade!

UmPhafa Dam gets an upgrade!

Over the last month, interns and staff at Colchester...

A tale of three sisters…
A tale of three sisters…

A tale of three sisters…

Once again here at UmPhafa we have the privilege...

Hot Stuff!
Hot Stuff!

Hot Stuff!

This time of year wildfires are a big worry...

Young serval spotted on the UmPhafa Reserve!
Young serval spotted on the UmPhafa Reserve!

Young serval spotted on the UmPhafa Reserve!

These beautiful spotted cats are found in areas with...

My UmPhafa Experience – The Halfway Point
My UmPhafa Experience – The Halfway Point

My UmPhafa Experience – The Halfway Point

By Eden L. Plummer Going on a trip of...

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